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Mobile signal jammer 10 to 30mtr rang with remote 5 band jammer 1 year warranty - Silchar
Friday, 19 May, 2017
Item details
Silchar, Assam
Offer type:
Rs 15,555
Item description
"Mobile phone signal jammers are for the people who want to prohibit the use of mobile phone during meetings, examinations, client dealings, libraries, while travelling etc. The mobile jammer is a device which blocks the mobile phone signals in a specific area by creating disturbance in wireless field so that the people are not able the use cell-phone in that area .For instance if you want that in a meeting hall nobody should use his/her mobile phone and focus on the meeting, a mobile jammer will be the perfect device for you. Once switched on, it will block the mobile phone signals in that particular area and there will be no network coverage in that area. Not just offices, examinations and meeting halls etc. mobile jammer can be placed anywhere even while travelling in a car for a disturbance free journey. Moreover our products are certified by Government of India. This certificate ensures that the products are ""Health Hazard Free"". Technical Sepecification :- High Power Mobile jammer CDMA 860-898 Mhz , GSM 920-965 Mhz, 3G 2100-2175 Mhz Thanks & Regard
Er. Suresh Lokhande
08959188333 (WhatsApp Available)
Er. Suresh Lokhande
08959188333 (WhatsApp Available)